What to Know Your Longevity Age? Try These 3 Longevity Tests.
Longevity predictions have received some attention over the last few years. And with the recent pandemic, we are all paying more attention to remaining active and healthy. But how can you test your current longevity to know where you stand? Amazing scientists who study longevity and centenarians have found these function tests to have some ability in predicting longevity.
1. Sit to Rise Test (SRT): During this test the person will start in a standing position. Next the person will cross the legs and sit down. Once in the sitting position with legs crossed, the person will try and stand up. The object is to complete this without using hands or support, losing balance, or compensations. One point is deducted if any compensations occur. A half point is deducted for unsteadiness. A total of 10 points can be obtained. The research has shown that people who score 0-3 have a five-six times more likelihood of facing mortality in the next 6 years. And those who score <8 are two-five times more likely to face morality in 6 years. Therefore working on leg strength, hip flexibility and balance can help impact mortality rates. Adding a point back to a score, decreases mortality rates by 21%.
2. 30 Second Chair Squat: During this test, the person will start in a sitting position on a chair with the arms crossed over the chest. Then the number of times the person can get up and sit down in 30 seconds is counted. The number of sit to stands scored is compared across age levels. If the person scores less than the normal age group, the risk of falls and hospitalization goes up exponentially. For example:
Age Group: 65-69 should complete > 13
Age Group: 70-7f4 should complete > 11
Age Group: 75-79 should complete > 10.5
Therefore, continuing to work on functional leg strength and balance is key to living a longer and healthier life.
3. Uniped Stance Test (UPST): During this test, the person will be asked to stand on one leg and maintain balance with arms across the chest. The amount of time the person can remain balanced is compared to age groups. If the person scores below the age group, the likelihood of falls, hospitalization and other poor medical outcomes increases. Therefore maintaining good balance at every age is important. Below are the norm values across age groups.
Age Group: 40-49 = 41 seconds
Age Group: 50-59 = 37 seconds
Age Group: 60-69 = 27 seconds
Age Group: 70-79 = 15 seconds
Fortunately, a lot can be done to improve longevity. Focusing on functional strength training, the correct cardiovascular exercise, eating the optimal diet, getting the right amount of sleep, and managing stress are the four key factors. We should all pay attention to these areas of health to improve our quality of life and ability to live healthier longer. And it doesn't need to be life consuming. Exercising 15 minutes a day, planning healthy meals, meditating for 2 minutes, and dedicating time to sleep can be achieved in a busy life!
For more information about longevity living and other helpful tips, visit my website at www.saramikulsky.com
You can also read about my RENU Method which focuses on the 4 aspects of longevity living by clicking here.