Why your PT should be your PCP
In today's healthcare system your Primary Care Provider (PCP) is not what it used to be. In the past, your PCP was your gate-keeper and...
Try This Meal Plan For 5 days
How's that new diet plan going? Chances are, you have already fallen off the wagon, and you're back to your old eating habits. I have...
3 Healthy Turkey Day Recipes
Thanksgiving is around the corner and it’s time to start cooking. During this food holiday, it’s hard to keep on track with diet and...
3 Ways Your Desk Is Killing You!
Your computer screen is at the wrong height: Having your computer monitor at an incorrect height can lead to neck pain, shoulder pain...
What to do AFTER the marathon?
Congratulations you just completed the marathon! You put in your hard time training, did all your stretching and warm-ups, made it the...
3 Exercises to Prevent Achilles Injuries
It's that time of year when we switch from our boots and closed-toed shoes, to flip-flops and sandals. Although this may prevent sweaty...
The 3 Best Core Exercises For Anyone
When we speak about the core, we are referring to not only the abdominal muscles, but also the hips and buttock muscles. In order to...
10 Easy Ways to Change Your Diet...For The Better!
1. Eliminate sugar and milk in your coffee: Taking out this small amount of calories will add up. Plus, you will keep your blood sugar...
3 Reasons You Need a Healthcare Consultant
Over the last decade healthcare has become quite complicated. It can be pretty overwhelming to try and understand your medical bills,...
5 Ways to Know If Your PT is good!
Physical Therapists (PTs) have many years of training. In 2003, most PT programs switched to doctorate level programs. And since 2010,...