Healthy Computer Habits for Cyber Monday
Cyber Monday can mean hours at the computer, so it’s important to maintain healthy habits while shopping. Here are some tips: 1. Practice...

Healthy Thanksgiving Side Dishes to Serve the Family
Thanksgiving doesn’t have to be all about heavy, calorie-laden sides. Here are some healthy alternatives that will keep your family...

Cross Training for Ski Season: Building Strength and Endurance
Ski season demands a unique combination of strength, endurance, and agility. To prepare your body and reduce injury risk, cross training...

Preventing Rotator Cuff Injuries in Older Adults
As we age, rotator cuff injuries become more common due to wear and tear. The rotator cuff consists of specific muscles within the...

Healthy Ways to Reduce Stress During this Election Season
The heightened emotions and constant media coverage during election season can cause stress. Here are some ways to manage it: 1. Limit...